Before You Start: Tips on how to build a vertical garden – indoor/outdoors
Measure your wall
Before growing your vertical garden, it’s essential to measure your wall. How to measure your wall? It’s easy! All you need is a tape measure. Start with the width by measuring the widest area; this is usually towards the center. Write the measurement in inches and round to the nearest inch. For the height, measure from top to bottom but don’t include the crown molding. Record these numbers and measure them against the wall-hanging planters you are interested in.

When decorating with boxwood hedges for the outdoor, you will need to measure the area of your outdoor borders. Depending on the size of your backyard, you will probably need many outdoor wall mats. While the price might seem high at first, remember that this is more economical in the long run. Landscaping costs can run in the thousands and require seasonal maintenance, especially in the winter, where some plants need more care and supervision. This is why artificial outdoor wall plants and artificial outdoor plants for wall décor are the perfect solutions. Not only do they add cohesiveness, but they serve as barriers to added privacy.

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